Test Results

Most test results take 2-5 working days to come back to the practice, although some results can take longer. Once the result has been reviewed, it will be available to view under your GP record.

We ask all patients to view their results online via the NHS App. If you have a query about your test results, please submit an online query via our online consultation system.


If a result is urgently abnormal, we will contact a patient directly over the phone.

Please ensure that the telephone number we have for you is correct.

Who reviews the test results

Every result is reviewed when it arrives back in the practice by one of our clinical team.

We do have a Results Team of staff, who have had training to support the clinicians with managing test results. They are available between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday.

Our reception staff are not qualified to comment on results, it is therefore your responsibility to check them.

As we receive a large number of test results each day, it is not possible for each individual to be contacted directly about their result.

If your test result indicates the need for urgent attention, we will contact you using the number you provided us on record.

Being given results

We have a strict policy regarding confidentiality and will not give results out to anyone other than the patient, unless express prior permission has been given or the patient concerned would not be capable of understanding them.

We will undertake some confirmation of identity checks before giving out results by telephone.

Hospital, Specialist or Consultant requests

It is the responsibility of the doctor ordering a test to check and follow-up the result. This means that the specialist or hospital service will review the results of the tests that they have requested. You may be informed of this by a follow up outpatient appointment or by letter.

In rare circumstances the GP may be asked by the hospital to follow up tests, they would write to the GP.

Most test results take 2-5 working days to come back to the practice, although some results can take longer. Once the result has been reviewed, it will be available to view under your GP record.

We ask all patients to view their results online via the NHS App. If you have a query about your test results, please submit an online query via our online consultation system.


If a result is urgently abnormal, we will contact a patient directly over the phone.

Please ensure that the telephone number we have for you is correct.

Who reviews the test results

Every result is reviewed when it arrives back in the practice by one of our clinical team.

We do have a Results Team of staff, who have had training to support the clinicians with managing test results. They are available between 10am and 4pm Monday to Friday.

Our reception staff are not qualified to comment on results, it is therefore your responsibility to check them.

As we receive a large number of test results each day, it is not possible for each individual to be contacted directly about their result.

If your test result indicates the need for urgent attention, we will contact you using the number you provided us on record.

Being given results

We have a strict policy regarding confidentiality and will not give results out to anyone other than the patient, unless express prior permission has been given or the patient concerned would not be capable of understanding them.

We will undertake some confirmation of identity checks before giving out results by telephone.

Hospital, Specialist or Consultant requests

It is the responsibility of the doctor ordering a test to check and follow-up the result. This means that the specialist or hospital service will review the results of the tests that they have requested. You may be informed of this by a follow up outpatient appointment or by letter. In rare circumstances the GP may be asked by the hospital to follow up tests, they would write to the GP.