Patient Participation Groups and FODS

What is a Patient Participation Group?

​​Patient Participation Groups (PPGs) are representatives of the practice population, (including carers of registered patients) who meet with the practice and provide patient experience and feedback. These groups generally meet with the practice team several times a year.

PPGs can play a number of roles, including:

  • Advising the practice on the patient perspective – a critical friend
  • Organising or assisting with health promotion events and helping to share health related messages and understanding of services
  • Communicating with the wider patient population
  • Carrying out research (survey) into the views of those who use the practice (and their carers)
  • Influencing the practice or the wider NHS to improve commissioning
  • Fundraising to improve the services provided by the practice

We have a Patient Participation Group at The Hollies, Carole Brown, Hunstanton and within Kings Lynn.

You can get involved with the PPG and it is completely free, however you must be a patient at the practice to be eligible.

Meetings are held on a quarterly basis or you may wish to participate as a virtual member only and receive emails and feedback electronically.

If you wish to join one of our PPGs then please contact the practice and express your interest and a member of the PPG committee will be in touch with you soon.

The Practice is hugely grateful for the work and support these groups make.

Friends of the Doctors Surgery

Friends of the Doctors Surgery (FODS) are also a group of volunteers who are registered at Gayton Road Health Centre and specifically fund raise.

“For those of you who do not know who we are; we are a small and friendly group who raise funds for the benefit of the patients of Gayton Road Health Centre. We have a stall, for three days every month, in the waiting room of the surgery. You can find the dates on the notice board in the waiting room or ask at the stall for a list.

Last year we raised £4,300.00 and bought couches and scales. This year we are purchasing equipment for the new Nurses Suite. We also pay for the rental of the water cooler in the waiting room.

This year is the 25th anniversary of its inception and hopes to continue for many years to come. Unfortunately, our numbers are dwindling and desperately need more helpers. If you feel you can spare a few hours, (no matter how few) each month, please contact Lyn at [email protected]. We would also welcome any good quality bric a brac or books for sale on the stall.”​

Meeting Dates

Gayton Road Health Centre

Contact through the surgery

Date of Next Meeting: January 2024
Date of Previous Meeting: Monday 11th May 13:00

Carole Brown Health Centre

Contact through the surgery

Date of Next Meetings: Monday 16th September 16:00
Date of Previous Meeting: Monday 4th March

The Hollies Surgery

Contact through the surgery

Date of Next Meetings: Tuesday 19th March 10:00 and then Tuesday 18th June 10:00
Date of Previous Meeting: Tuesday 5th December

Hunstanton Medical Practice

Contact through the surgery

Date of Next Meetings: Tuesday 4th June 14:00, and then Tuesday 3rd September 14:00, and then Tuesday 3rd December 14:00
Date of Previous Meeting: Tuesday 5th March

St Augustine’s Surgery

This group is currently reforming, there are no available meeting dates at this time.

For more information or to sign up, please pass your details to a member of reception and they will pass these to the PPG.