Contact Your GP Online Today!
PATCHS is an online consultation system used at Vida Healthcare Sites. If you are registered at The Hollies please continue to use Accurx.
With the help of PATCHS your health questions are sent to our doctors, who then triage and advise our care navigation team which steps to take next, such as booking in an appointment or sending for blood tests. For more information about PATCHS please click here.
PATCHS has been designed with user friendly accessibility. We understand change can be daunting, to see frequently asked questions about PATCHS please visit PATCHS FAQS.
We will acknowledge and update your request within 24 hours but a full response may take longer and will be triaged on a priority basis.
Once capacity for requests has been reached, you will need to wait until the next form submission session is open. If you have an URGENT medical enquiry, please telephone the practice.