Research and Study

NIHR Clinical Research

The NIHR Clinical Research Network Eastern helps to increase the opportunities for patients to take part in clinical research, ensures that studies are carried out efficiently, and supports the Government’s Strategy for UK Life Sciences by improving the environment for commercial contract clinical research in the NHS in the Eastern area.

Vida Healthcare participates in research activity and works closely with the local research network. There are many different ways in which patients can become involved in studies in which our practice is participating. Participation is entirely voluntary. Nobody from outside of the practice will be given your contact details or have access to your medical records without your prior consent.

Research is presented in different formats: Completing a questionnaire, requesting the use of your anonymised data, taking part in an interview, testing new treatment, therapies or devices, experiencing new combinations of treatments.

The results of research studies can be of interest to patients and useful to health professionals and managers in the NHS in helping to decide what treatments and services to provide in the future.

There are many research projects currently being conducted into Covid 19, you may receive communication to get involved.

If you would like to check the validity of any of these projects or get more details you can check on the National Institute for Health Research website or please call the Practice.

Research and Study Facts

  • your patient records may be reviewed to check whether you are suitable to take part in a research study before asking you whether you are interested or sending you a letter on behalf of the researcher,
  • your practice is research active,
  • you may be invited to take part in research and

For more information please click this link

Studies Undertaken at the Practice

  • Immune Defence Study – University of Southampton – assess effectiveness of commonly available nasal sprays, brief physical activity and stress management to reduce incidence, severity and duration of respiratory infections.
  • ACCORD – feasibility study for frozen shoulder
  • Dementia Research promotion campaign – promotional activities
  • Appletree – University College London – dementia prevention study using lifestyle and behaviour change.
  • SAFER – University of Cambridge – Screening for Atrial Fibrillation. Randomised study to reduce risk of stroke.
  • STREAM – University of Southampton – Eat well, feel well, stay well. Looking at risk of malnutrition in 75yrs and older

For more information on Primary Care Research, please visit